The First Steps

Identify why you want to sell
Is it a side hustle for an extra source of income? Is it because you want to clear out your wardrobe and make back some of the money you spent? This first questions will help determine how you sell - a business seller will of course constantly need things to sell but a for a casual this is not necessary. 

Pick a platform
In my previous post, I mentioned some platforms you could use. Selling on multiple platforms increases your chance of selling the item quicker but you'll need to learn to manage and update your listings across the different platforms once something sells. If you've never sold online before I'd recommend starting with just one platform first. 

The Selling Process

Take pictures.
To sell you will need to take pictures of the item and there are a whole bunch of tricks and tips to know when taking pictures. 

#1 most important thing to know (now repeat after me kids) - YOUR PHONE CAMERA IS GOOD ENOUGH! To think otherwise is to stop your own greatness. 

#2 things sell faster and easier if you (or someone else) is wearing the item in the photo. Yes, this can be time-consuming but someone will likely ask for photos of it being worn to give them a better idea of what it looks like on anyway. For both business and casual sellers I recommend modelled photos of clothing but most especially business sellers. There are multiple reasons why but we'll save that for another post. 

#3 include pictures of any flaws the item has

Write a description.
Each platform requires you to enter basic things like a name for the item, size, price and postage price. Usually, other things are optional and you can talk about other things in the description to persuade people to buy or give more.

Everyone has their own style. Some people go straight to the facts and are either very detailed or quite general. Others will hype the product up or even give reasons for selling. It's up to you. Have a look at what others are doing, especially those selling things similar to you and try different approaches to find whatever feels comfortable. 

Example things you can include in descriptions:
- The model's size and height if you're the model. 
- What size the items feels like vs what it actually says on the label if you've worn it before.
- The item's condition e.g. brand new with tags (BNWT).
- hashtags and names of brands similar to that of what you are selling

Now, price, postage and packaging can be daunting at first, especially if you hate maths and numbers but it's really simple to figure out. You just need to know a few things.

Set a price.
Here are some things to consider:
- How much you bought it for minus the current condition.
- Postage and packaging cost plus the amount the platform you're using takes for each sale.
- How much others are selling it for (this can be a guideline if you're really unsure).


Find out how much both 1st and 2nd class could cost you by asking at your local post office or looking on their website but I prefer the latter. Even if you plan to send 2nd class, knowing the cost of 1st class lets you know the maximum you'll ever need to pay for an item of a certain weight. For me, an item of clothing like a t-shirt, trouser or dress usually weighs less than 1kg (think one bag of sugar) and fits a small shipping bag (45 cm long or less). I use the max. shipping cost to help determine the price.

I usually use Royal Mail and almost all the info I need is on this page.


Most people use what's called poly mailers. These are plastic envelopes with a sticky lip and can be bought in different sizes at the Post Office or online e.g. eBay and Amazon but it's much smarter to buy them online. I'm currently looking for a more sustainable alternative but here are the ones I currently have and use:

Small - if I fold it well I can usually fit an item of clothing in here
Medium - for more than one item of clothing or for items that of thicker or heavier material e.g. a knitted jumper
Large - for items like winter coats. I was ill-prepared one day and bought a pricey pack of three in-store. This brand only seems to sell wholesale but for reference, the envelope size is 500mm x 650mm.

Now you're ready to post your listing.

That is all I have to report, for now. I hope you found this useful and if you did, please remember to share!


Essy x

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