Back in the day (on one of my many deceased blogs) I interviewed one of my then favourite bloggers Christie Tyler after finding her Tumblr which at the time was big but today is even bigger and her style is still an inspiration to me. My readers loved it then and I noticed you guys enjoy reading interviews the most so I’m bringing it back! I admire Galina's taste and style as an academic so I asked if she could share some of her wisdom.

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself? Name, age and what you study.

Galina; I just completed my second degree. My undergraduate degree was in literature and creative writing (poetry), my master’s degree was in literary theory. I am currently exploring PhD options, my research is about theoretical approaches to the experience time in fiction.

What drives/motivates you to study?

I enjoy the process. In both non-fiction writing and poetry I get excited by the feeling of ideas coming together to form a thesis or larger piece of work, something bigger than myself. Whenever I feel unmotivated I read a favourite essay, poem or visit the British Library––that always renews my love and excitement about my work.

How do I become better at managing my time?

Never set yourself a task longer than an hour. If a task will take longer than an hour then break it down – the smaller the task, the easier it is to complete. As you complete the small tasks the large tasks get sorted much faster than tackling them head-on. It is important to learn how to prioritise: do time-sensitive or simple tasks before tackling non-urgent and complex ones.

How do you stay organised?

Use a diary or planner religiously and write down every task, no matter how small or insignificant. Every morning, take stock of what’s on today and explore how you’re feeling a little to make sure you’re okay. Keep a small bag with essential items ready for anything, or pack your bag a day in advance.

I keep seeing #100daysofproductivity floating around studyblr sphere, do you know what it is and can you explain the #100daysofproductivity challenge?

It’s a hashtag intended as an accountability tool to keep you self-motivated and ‘productive’ for 100 days. I don’t use it, because productivity comes in many variations and I think that it’s better to have short bursts of productivity alongside rest rather than working for 100 days straight and being burnt out. : - )

Do you have any tips for staying focused for long periods of time when studying?

I use the Pomodoro Technique or a variation– for example, half an hour of working then a five minute break. Turn your phone off, take frequent breaks and plan something for the end of the day to unwind and reset.

Do you have any tips for making every day productive?

Take it easy on yourself, make your work creative and find things that you enjoy in your work. You don’t need to be productive every day as long as you are happy with your progress overall. Set long-term goals as well as short term goals. Take breaks and plan things that let your mind rest.

Would you recommend creating a separate account for a studyblr or revamping a current tumblr blog?

I use a secondary blog because I prefer a clean/separate slate for all new projects.

How do you create a successful tumblr / lifeblr / studyblr?

Depends what ‘success’ looks and feels like for you. For me, it’s about having something to look back on which logs my progress and makes me feel motivated to keep going, as well as meeting like-minded people. So success for me is consistently posting great content that I’m happy with and curating under new tags which receive engagement from the community. Right now it’s all just a way of making my work more creatively fulfilling.


IG: @warmhealer
Tumblr: warmhealer

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