Live with: Tara Chandra on Identity

Hi Tara! Tell us a bit about yourself?
Hi! My name's Tara Chandra, I'm 19, born and raised in Sydney, Australia with an Indonesian/ Chinese background. I am currently in my 2nd year of my Bachelor of Business degree majoring in Marketing Communications. Most of my spare time is spent seeing friends, or doing something creative. I have a fashion Instagram and a fashion/lifestyle YouTube where I share bits and pieces of my life with my viewers/ followers! 

You made a series on Youtube called IDENTITY (which I've enjoyed watching), do you think our identity is something we can actively create for ourselves over a blank canvas or something we're born with and discover over time?

I think our identity is both pre-existing and shaped! We begin with a blank canvas with the foundations of what we are born into. As we grow and experience new things, our identity is shaped by our environment, the people around us, our beliefs, thoughts, actions, racial background, cultural background, the country we live in - everything.  

Photo by @internetjames

So your style seems to be quite unique, you've made it your own girl, how have you managed to do that? AKA How did you arrive at it? Talk me through the process? Did you go through any phases? What were they? 
Thank you! I started 'seriously' getting into fashion when I was around 14/15, although I've always loved dressing up and creating looks since I was a kid. I was definitely inspired by things I saw on Tumblr when I was in my mid-teens, and I simply wanted to look that cool and essentially 'be' like the girls I saw on Tumblr. So in the beginning I would buy 'Tumblr' clothing (overalls, jelly shoes, etc.) which was very 90's inspired. I remember before tattoo chokers came back in full throw, probably around mid-2013 (NO ONE sold them except Cobra Snake - an LA based store - so we bought a massive packet of them and distributed it amongst my friends). I used to wear 4 tattoo chokers on my neck at once! And people would be so confused what they were, and some thought they were real tattoos haha. 

As the years went by, I started developing my own style because I couldn't afford to buy new pieces all the time, I had to make do with what I could find and already had. So my wardrobe started to shift, I started getting free accessories and clothing, and spent more time online shopping/ op shopping/ at markets. My friends were also into the same style as me at the time, so we would always be talking about cool pieces and new online stores we found! I guess my style kept developing over time, and as I accumulated more pieces, I was able to develop a distinct style simply based on what I liked. Instagram and YouTube were also, and still are, huge boosts of inspiration for me. 

Photo by @14strk

How would you describe your style?

Definitely eclectic, sometimes weird, and with way too many accessories. 

Would you say that your style is a big part of who you are?

Yes! My style has become a very distinct identifier for me and for other people. My style is a great conversation starter with strangers, and it has allowed me to become more confident as a person!

Have they're been times where you've felt less confident because of the way you're dressed?

Of course! If there's a look I'm not really feeling - whether this is because I didn't have time to choose one out, or I'm in an uncomfortable situation - this has and can a/effect my confidence. 

What advice would you give to anyone trying to find themselves in terms of style?

You do you! Wear what you like. Don't be afraid to try new things. Your confidence will grow. 


  1. I love this interview! Totally agree with Tara, you find your style with time, experimentation and confidence! <3

    1. Thankyou and thankyou for reading! and Tara is amazing.
      P.s. i think you left a comment on my old blog that I never replied to in which case I'm sorry, i was busy working on this new one x
